Sometimes when you are faced with a big challenge you need to think outside of the box.
Unfortunately for one spider, Americans are great at thinking outside the box to kill things.
And one man was faced with the biggest spider he’d ever seen and took it out in the most American way possible.
Americans always find a way
We can’t all think alike.
As General George S. Patton put it, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”
Because when no one thinks outside the box, then nothing ever changes.
And no nation has been better at thinking outside the box than the United States.
If you think about it, this nation’s founding is the result of thinking outside of the box.
We were faced with a penny-high tax and tried to air our grievances with the German king of England.
And when we got the cold shoulder from King George III we gave that particularly insane Hanovarian elite the middle finger and founded our own nation.
Every other commonwealth and colony within the British empire just bent the knee and took it.
But not the scions of those great “adventurers of purse and person” who first tamed America when they landed in Virginia and were later followed by pilgrims.
Many of the pilgrims’ heirs are still trying to figure out communism doesn’t work, but plenty of others have the pluck and ingenuity running though their blood that’s a hallmark of your forefathers having risked it all for religious freedom.
And when it comes to ingenuity in taking care of irritating things, deadly threats, and things that are sometimes both, no one does it better and in more ways than the United States.
Take dysentery for example, which may have led to insane volumes of fire.
When American boys declared their brothers enemy troops in the Civil, a North Carolinian invented the Gatling gun because he said, “It occurred to me that if I could invent a machine gun which could by its rapidity of fire, enable one man to do as much battle duty as a hundred, that it would, to a large extent supersede the necessity of large armies, and consequently, exposure to battle and disease would be greatly diminished.”
During World War I when Americans were faced with trench warfare they decided to leave the rifles and pistols to the Europeans and fully embraced trench-clearing shotguns.
When the Japanese threatened the United States with hundreds of thousands of deaths if they invaded the Japanese homeland in World War II, Americans just invented the nuclear bomb and unleashed two bombs worth of that evil on a couple hundred thousand jap souls.
Terrorists thought that they couldn’t be killed in caves in Afghanistan, so Americans invented a bunker busting bomb to let them have a quick trip ticket to Allah – at least until the war-profiteers realized if they killed them all so soon, they’d ruin what would become a 20-year orgy sucking the life out of patriotic American boys and dollars out of taxpayers.
Now bad guys around the world try to hide from the United States in densely-populated areas so Americans invent 20 million-dollar-a-pop precision missiles that can be launched by drones driven by Xbox controllers.
You name the challenge to kill someone or something and Americans will find a way to make it happen.
Sure, bloated arm-chair generals and “defense” lobbyists hell-bent on enriching themselves will eventually find a way to screw it up by somehow making it way less effective while simultaneously charging way more but that’s a different topic.
Today’s topic is un-aliving spiders.
Spider gun?
And one American just invented a new way for you to protect yourself from one of every household’s biggest pests.
The next time your spouse or child screams at you to kill a spider, don’t come barging into the room with a shoe.
Instead, this time, whip out your pistol.
One viral video is making its round on the internet that shows someone finding a new and innovative way to kill an overly large spider.
The person whips out his pistol, takes aim at the spider, and obliterates it with just one shot.
Gotta give props for his steady hand and trigger pull to hit the small target dead on.
This is the way.
Justified? ????
— AlphaFo???? (@Alphafox78) May 16, 2024
So the next time you see them eight legs crawling along the wall, just whip out your 9mm and go to town.
Of course, as always, be sure to be mindful of what’s behind your target.
Your wife will thank you later.