Getting kissed by your scope has happened to the best of us.
But who knew that you were just one wrong bounce away from seeing your maker.
And you will be in shock when you see how deadly a scope kiss can get.
Guns can be dangerous
For many of us firing off some rounds at the range is supposed to be relaxing.
Just the sound of casings hitting the ground will lower your blood pressure faster than any yoga or meditation class could.
But getting some use of your firearm isn’t always calm and relaxing.
You will hear many a story about something going absolutely wrong while laying some lead.
Something scary may have even happened to you.
For instance, it isn’t that uncommon to hear tales of hunters getting mud in their rifle’s muzzle and it ending in near tragedy.
They pull the trigger and in an instant they look like Elmer Fudd with the barrel of the rifle turning into a peeled banana.
And if you have been to the range enough you have probably come across the situation where a round was ricocheting around after bouncing off a target.
It’s amazing how fast you can move when lead starts whizzing by your face.
But one of the most common mishaps you can face while enjoying a day out with your gun is getting a nice scope kiss.
Death by Scope Kiss?
Basically you forget how ballistics and physics works so you don’t hold a rifle flush against your shoulder.
Or maybe you are out hunting and see a monster buck heading your way so you forget to properly shoulder your rifle.
It happens to the best of us.
But the end result is both painful and embarrassing.
First, you get smacked in the face by the scope that stings like a punch to the eye from Mike Tyson.
But secondly, it leaves a mark around the eye that brings shame and embarrassment you can’t escape in public.
Well, come to find out a scope kiss can do worse to you than bruise your face and your ego.
Thanks to the Kentucky Ballistic’s Youtube page, a gun nut’s video haven, now we know that a scope kiss leaves a more lasting impression than a bruised ego.
In fact, according to the scientific research done by Kentucky Ballistics, now we know that a scope kiss can actually kill you.
First the video starts with a little scope kiss from the little play rounds like a .223.
And as you would expect, a scope kiss from the smaller calibers doesn’t cause much visible damage.
But when you start to get into the big boy calibers, using your face as a trampoline for your scope can turn into a deadly situation.
Mad scientist Scott from Kentucky Ballistics showed us all that a scope kiss from a .50 BMG will leave you with more than a black eye.
In fact, when you stand back from a scope kiss of a .50 BMG you may not have an eye left.
If you get a kiss from a .50 caliber it will probably be the kiss of death.