Democrats are never going to let a crisis go to waste.
Now the Biden border crisis is giving them their latest opportunity.
And Democrats are using the Mexican cartels as cover to enact this infuriating ban on freedom.
House Democrats want to ban .50 caliber rifles citing Mexican drug cartels
Democrats have tried for years to politicize mass shootings to push their gun control agenda.
Now they’re using the historic border crisis that President Joe Biden created to push their latest gun ban.
Three House Democrats introduced a bill to ban the importation, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of .50 caliber rifles.
Representatives Joaquin Castro (D-TX), Veronica Escobar (D-TX), and Maxwell Frost (D-FL) introduced the Stop Arming Cartels Act of 2024 under the guise of curbing the flow of weapons to the Mexican drug cartels.
The most prominent .50 caliber rifle is the Barrett M82A1 .50 BMG rifle, which has a price tag of more than $10,000.
Castro claimed without evidence that cartels were using .50 caliber rifles to take down helicopters and ambush the police in Mexico.
“When I speak to leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean, their number-one request is for Congress to stop American weapons of war from falling into the hands of the gangs that are destabilizing their countries,” Castro said in a statement. “Especially in Mexico, access to .50-caliber rifles has fundamentally altered the balance of power between criminal organizations and the government and allowed cartels to become virtually untouchable.”
The .50 caliber rifle has been a long-time boogeyman for the anti-gunners because of its appearance and high caliber.
And these rifles are essentially never used in crimes in the United States.
“Congress can have meaningful debates about broader gun safety reform — but we should all be able to agree that U.S. gun manufacturers should not be selling the weapons that Mexican cartels use to down military helicopters and attack police convoys,” Castro added.
Using the border crisis to push for gun control
It’s already illegal to sell and export weapons to foreign criminal organizations.
Disarming law-abiding gun owners won’t change the situation on the ground in Mexico.
The violence in Mexico is a problem created by internal factors, not Americans being able to legally own guns.
And there’s little evidence that making the sale of .50 caliber rifles in the United States would stop cartel violence on either side of the border.
The Mexican government and Democrats have pushed a false narrative that American guns are fueling cartel violence.
Mexico is suing gun stores in Arizona and the country has a $10 billion lawsuit in federal court against American firearms manufacturers.
Blaming America for the violence of the cartels is an easy excuse for Mexico and a chance for the anti-gunners to politicize a crisis for gun control.
Cartels get most of their weapons on the Latin American black market and from corrupt members of Mexican law enforcement and the military.
Mexico would rather blame American gun owners than face deep issues with corruption in their own country.
And anti-gunners can politicize the crisis to push another round of gun control.
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