The Presidential election could be another knockdown, drag-out fight.
One wrong move could tip a swing state into the opponent’s column.
Now Joe Biden is scared as hell of this bad problem with hunters for 2024.
Hunters could be an untapped resource for conservatives in the 2024 Election
One of the biggest challenges in politics is turning people who don’t care into ones who do. The 2020 Election came down to about 46,000 votes spread across Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Activating and mobilizing more conservative-leaning voters could make a crucial difference in elections up and down the ticket this year.
A group thinks they have an issue that could mobilize non-voters for the election this fall. Women for Gun Rights found that there’s a significant number of gun owners and hunters who aren’t registered to vote in important states for the election this year.
“A breakdown of the data reveals a major shortfall in voter registration among gun owners in the states that will decide the 2024 election: 515,277 in Pennsylvania and around 370,000 each in Michigan and North Carolina. Georgia, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Virginia all have more than half a million hunters and gun owners unregistered, and Arizona has the smallest shortfall at 133,000,” The New York Post reported.
I get not wanting to register or vote, but look at that data and think long and hard about what those states mean for gun rights and hunting in the future.
— Braxton McCoy (@braxton_mccoy) July 10, 2024
President Joe Biden won Michigan by about 150,000 in the 2020 Election, Pennsylvania by about 80,000 votes, and Wisconsin by 20,000. Those voters could potentially make up the margins in the three most important swing states this election.
Registering voters is easier said than done
Biden has been the most anti-gun President in American history. And his administration and Democrats in general are becoming increasingly hostile to hunters. The gun issue has been proven to be one that can mobilize passionate voters. These unregistered gun owners and hunters should be a Republican-leaning pool of voters.
But getting these gun owners and hunters registered to vote can be a challenge. Vote4America has been working to get them for the November election. Vote4America advisor Baker Leavitt explained that apathy is a big issue the group is facing during an appearance on the District of Conservation podcast. He said that these gun owners often think their vote doesn’t matter or the system is corrupt.
But even registering and mobilizing a small percentage of these hunters and gun owners could make a big difference this November.
“If we could convert 2% of all licensed hunters and get them to vote, GOP would win in a landslide,” Leavitt said.
“A lot of hunters and gun owners, they’re very animated in social media, they have a lot of opinions, but they don’t go out to vote. They talk a great deal, often about preserving your rights, doing this — hunting — but a lot of people don’t follow through with voting,” District of Conservation host Gabriella Hoffman said.
Vote4America is hoping to use influencers in the hunting, gun, and veterans circles to reach these voters. Stephen Aaron with Vote4America said the group is using a simple message to court these nonvoters.
“Our goal is to make sure these people know that voting matters. The issues people worry about — attacks on personal freedoms, our crime problem, skyrocketing inflation — are all impacted by the people we put in office. This is an effort to help voters connect the issues impacting their daily life to decisions made by elected officials so people understand their vote really does matter and they engage. It’s time to make America feel like home again,” Aaron explained.
The Presidency, Congress, State Legislatures, and more are on the line this election. Bringing more gun owners and hunters out to vote could make a crucial difference.
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